Welcome to
UASU Perks

Do Stuff - Win Shit

Disclaimer: The information on this page is subject to change without notice.
What is it?

Perks is a cool new mobile web app that allows you to get prizes and rewards for engaging with your Students' Union!

Participate in events, complete surveys and quizzes, compete with your friends, and reap the rewards!

How do I play?

To participate in the game, simply head on over to the login page and login with your UAlberta CCID!

Once logged in you can navigate to the Help and Support page to find more information about each part of the app.

What is a beta?

A beta is a pre-release of an application that is given out to a large group of users to try under real conditions. Betas are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as a result.

In the case of Perks, our beta is also designed to allow us to measure the success and demand of the application. The app is fully featured and available to the first 50000 UASU members (If you're an undergrad at the U of A, that's you!) who register an account. We may raise this limit during the course of the beta as the system stabilizes.

What are the restrictions?

We want to make sure our beta is as close to the real product as possible. However, there are some restrictions for logistical reasons. These restrictions are unique to the beta and are subject to change with future official releases and betas.
They are outlined below:

  1. We reserve the right to limit participation to ensure the system runs smoothly, and to adjust the cap during the beta. Currently participation is capped at 50000 people.
  2. Anyone who is not a current U of A student will have restricted usage on the application.
  3. The app will be available on January 14th, 2020. You will be able to gain points and spend them until April 8th, 2020. All vouchers will expire on April 22nd, 2020. Access to the site will be blocked shortly after that.